
My Century

I hit a milestone today. I've been submitting short stories and parables to magazines and short fiction markets for a while now, gaining very few acceptances and a plenitude of rejections. As one does.

Today, I received my one hundredth rejection. The odometer turned over!

Now, if you glance at my "Fiction" page, you'll see that I have indeed placed six stories so far. That "six" has been solid for several months now. The rejection number, on the other hand, has been ticking steadily up.

Like a certain U.S. president, my disapproval rating climbs higher and higher, while my approval rating holds firm. (Some people are saying I'm the greatest writer in our country's history.)

Anyway, the moment I received that rejection today and attained my century, I rushed straight over here to let you know.

But this isn't an ending. It's a new beginning. Two hundred, here I come.