

今回のブログ記事は英語でしか書けないと思うので、いつもの左側の日本語版を諦めてしまった。その代わり、翻訳の仕事をGoogle Translateに外注した。(それでも翻訳のクオリティーは変わらないでしょう。)

The blog post this time will only really make sense in English. So I've given up on writing bilingually. Instead, I've contracted the work out to Google Translate. (Japanese readers may not notice any difference in the quality of the translation.)


I worked at a pizza place as a kid. There was a guy there who once got a bug up his butt about 'combo' pizzas.


The full name of the pizza is 'combination', so if we're going to abbreviate it, it ought to be 'combi', he insisted.


Not comBO.... comBI!


So he took to calling combination pizzas 'combis', and he won a few converts at work.


But there were a few of us who remained unconverted. Sort of to tick off the combi guys, we started calling the pizzas 'comBOnations'.