






I hardly ever dream, but last night I had a dream.


I think that I only dream maybe three or four times a year.


Either that, or I'm dreaming every night and just not remembering them in the morning.




In the dream I'd gotten a really good TOEIC score, and I was going around telling everybody. Totally proud of it. Though in fact I've never taken the TOEIC and never shall. Being, you know, an English speaker.


  • 運命からの伝言
  • 脳みそが未解決の思考を掃除しているという作業の副作用
  • 源の知れない黙示
  • アホらしい

Dreams are one or all of the following:

  • Messages from fate
  • Your brain cleaning out unresolved thoughts
  • Prophecies of unknown provenance
  • Boring and stupid


But the idea of "I never dream; or, I dream every night but do not remember in the morning" is an intriguing notion. What if it happened in waking life too?


"I've never been to Warsaw; or, I've been but do not remember going."


"I've never spun five skeins of yarn; or, I have done but do not remember doing it, or how to do it."


"I do not own a Rhodes electric piano; or, I do but have no memories of seeing or touching it."


"You are not the undying love of my life; or, you are but I have no recollection of you."