


On rare occasions I go back and listen to music that I recorded years ago and haven't heard since. Sometimes I find that it's not really as awful as I remembered. This is rather disillusioning.


When I'm making something new, I'll vainly think, "This is the one that'll finally get through to people!"


But then the instant it's done, I start to hate it intensely.


"Why do they always turn out this awful!?"


So a lot of the time I'll just throw out the song, or I'll let it sit and never play it for anybody. Even the stuff that I end up putting out, I never ever listen to again.


But if I do go back after a few years and start to think, "Well, this isn't half good, but it isn't half bad either," this implies that maybe I didn't need to despise it quite so vehemently.


Which further implies that the pain of believing that what I'm making has no value, may not have been necessary either.


And when I think of that, I hate the song even more.